2020 – Awaken in this now

We find ourselves here. This is the cycle of co-creation and awakening in body, in action. The merging of the masculine and feminine principles of Divinity. We are here, entering 2020 which, however we sense, is undoubtedly a turning point and an anchor of great change. 11.1 is an awakening gateway and potent time to come together in Sacred intent.

We live on this planet in an era where conscious and co-creative community is possible in ways and levels it has not been before. There is a gradual collective acceptance that awakening is indeed a shared shift in cohesive. That is not to say that all Beings will awaken as embodied realisations of divinity; nor that any of us even share similar trajectories, but there is a greater understanding that every shift in frequency and consciousness is a shift in the whole.

Frequency naturally entrains to the highest present. We are literally walking one another home.

Many of us feel in our cells the magnitude of 2020, which has been directly flowing in for many months. And all of us know the call in our hearts to gather with deeply resonant heart and soul family. It is from this true place, extends an invitation for us to show up as vessels of the Mystery, in stillness and vulnerability. Together we open to the Infinite, turn our listening acutely to Her call and offer ourSelves as conduits for the great wave.

You are so welcome to join an online webinar where our theme is Awake in this Now. We come to directly know where we are already and always awake, where we can be no other. And it is from here that we encounter the now; the breathtaking frequencies of light raining upon us; the new freedom and crystalline codes and we meet the growing edges of embodying Source in form. Masculine and Feminine aspects of Divinity merge and balance as we explore living awake.

Through Presence, meditation, group energy work, clearing, activations and transmissions, we listen and follow the Heart and land more thoroughly in this ground of Being as Love. Each of us a unique flavor and melody of Source song, we come together in incandescent harmonies. If you can’t attend live, you will receive the recording soon after the call to listen to and absorb at your leisure.

Helen serves the evolution and grounding of new consciousness throughout her life. She currently facilitates group gatherings, online events and individual healing and soul coaching sessions. Find out more on her site , where you are welcome to subscribe to occasional newsletters, and facebook.

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